
Proclaiming the Incomprehensible God: Calvin’s Teaching on Job is unavailable, but you can change that!

For many of us the book of Job stands directly in the center of one of the most complicated problems of life— the interaction between divine sovereignty and human responsibility. Its implications for a world of suffering and injustice is one that has provoked much tortuous thought for both Calvinists and Arminians. How Job deals with tremendous suffering—losing most of his earthly possessions,...

For Calvin then, the Book of Job is first and foremost a book about God.27 Its accents are essentially theological in nature. In that sense, Calvin had not turned to Job because of its obvious themes of suffering and trial: Calvin did not believe the book of Job contained solutions to these great moral dilemmas of the universe. Rather, he sought to turn the congregation in Geneva, and his own soul, to the reality of God’s sovereignty and power in the contingencies of seemingly disordered life. Nowhere
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